The napkin project

The napkin project was created by Willis Newson, who are an arts consultancy specialising in arts and health, and the artist Deirdre Nelson. It called for volunteers to embroider napkins under the theme ‘home’. The napkins were gifted to a dementia care home to be used as a reminiscence tool, and a talking point. As well as encouraging conversation within the care home, the project opened up a dialogue with the public. I think getting people to come into care home to interact with the residents can be really valuable for both parties. 



Playlist for life

While in the IRISS office yesterday, which I posted about earlier, I also had the chance to hear about a really inspiring project called ‘Playlist for life’ which is a music therapy tool for people with dementia. The idea is to create a tailored playlist with songs that bring up memories helping families to reconnect. They have a really touching video on their site which shows one couples story;

Aman Aggarwal on Tashya

Charged voids, an architecture studio run by Aman Aggarwal and Siddharth Gaind won the shops category at the recent inside festival for Tashya, a high-end Indian bridal store in Chandigarh.

What I liked about the project was it’s merging of the contemporary with the traditional. Trying to keep alive skills that are fading away with the industrialisation of global production.