
The Kimono from my graduate collection was featured in an online editorial this week. Hope street magazine is a Glasgow based fashion and lifestyle magazine that thinks outside of the box. Much of their content breaks the convention of a fashion magazine, this is a magazine that is following it’s own rules.hope-st_digital-tropicana21-1260x810

The photoshoot was styled by Kristen Nellie and she was kind enough to send me a few more shots that didn’t make the cut. Kristen also graduated from DJCAD with a degree in textiles. Her specialism was knit and alongside her work at Hope street she also runs a knitwear brand called DIZY. It is definitely worth a look, she knits stunning scarves and skirts with quality yarns.

Degree show


My degree show space is all set up and ready to be assessed tomorrow morning. I will find out my results on the 20th of May, so it will be a nerve wracking time between now and then. It will be good to find out and then be able to relax! I honestly can’t believe that this is the end of my degree, it has come in so, so fast. It feels like just a few months ago that I moved to dundee from Glasgow, and now I am about to move back again.

Fourth year has definitely had it’s ups and downs. It has been both the best and worst year of my life. I actually came close to giving up, much to the dismay of my parents, but I am certainly glad I didn’t. I spent a large portion of my final semester procrastinating, which meant that the majority of my work was done in the last two months before hand in. Despite this I feel that my project came together quite well and am so very glad to be finished.

Digital design

It took quite a bit of time for me to get used to designing on the computer. It is so different to screen printing, largely because you can’t actually see the full design to scale and also because there is a bit of a difference between what is on screen to what comes out the printer. However, once you get the hang of it, it is super speedy. Another benefit is not being constantly covered in a rainbow of dyes.

I am enjoying working on the computer a lot and I am quite happy with the designs I have been creating. I have sent away small test swatches to several companies that produce digitally printed fabric so I am quite excited to see the results.

Digital sketching

After quite a while of being totally stuck I decided to mess around on photoshop to try and give myself some kind of direction. I have not done very much in the way of digital printing before. I decided to work in a kind of collage way, as if I was doing work in my sketchbook, to get started. The images I produced are by no means final design work, no where near it! But I feel that I have at least moved my ideas into a new direction, which hopefully will move me towards being unstuck.

I used scans of my sketchbook as well as photographs I had taken in the aquaria I visited earlier in the year. This was also an exercise to see what I could do with my drawings and photos. Experimenting with different ways of manipulating the images.