Degree show


My degree show space is all set up and ready to be assessed tomorrow morning. I will find out my results on the 20th of May, so it will be a nerve wracking time between now and then. It will be good to find out and then be able to relax! I honestly can’t believe that this is the end of my degree, it has come in so, so fast. It feels like just a few months ago that I moved to dundee from Glasgow, and now I am about to move back again.

Fourth year has definitely had it’s ups and downs. It has been both the best and worst year of my life. I actually came close to giving up, much to the dismay of my parents, but I am certainly glad I didn’t. I spent a large portion of my final semester procrastinating, which meant that the majority of my work was done in the last two months before hand in. Despite this I feel that my project came together quite well and am so very glad to be finished.

Screen printed repeat

As well as my digital prints for the repeat pattern project, I wanted to have a go at screen printing. I am not the most controlled when it comes to screen printing so I knew it was going to be a challenge, and a learning curve. I am really happy with the way my first print turned out, much better than expected! I was printing on silk chiffon, which is super thin. It got stuck to the table as the dye dried, what a panic! But I got it off, thank heavens!

Natural dye: nature printing

I had a very brief interlude into the art of nature printing or ‘bundle dying’ only making one sample. I used the skin and some thin slices from an onion, folded in silk and bound around a tin with parcel string. The result was quite subtle but I definitely want to try some more!


Shibori with natural dyes – a continuation of my summer project


With the Shibori dyeing I started out with pretty much no idea what I was doing. The only previous knowledge I had was a brief description with some examples that was given in a lecture during my second year. With this vague concept of what to do I began experimenting with different ways of binding and folding to see what effects were achievable. I stuck with the same few colours, which I knew overdyed well so as not to waste any time or fabric. The images below are of fabric dyed with grape juice, turmeric and brown and red onion skins.UntitledIMG_7641